Wellion Safetylancets 23G - Ideal bei Sehproblemen, verminderter Feinmotorik und für ältere Menschen. Schnelle und einfache Handhabung. Sanft und sicher. Minimierte Schmerzen durch ultra-scharfe Nadel. Perfekt für medizinisches Fachpersonal, Krankenhäuser und Pflegeheime. Steril und Vermeidung von Stichverletzungen. Foto

Wellion 23G SafetyLancets
for gentle blood sampling
in dogs, cats and horses

    Wellion Safetylancets 23G

    Blood collection for measurement

    suitable for dogs, cats and horses


    Wellion safety lancets have a pre-set penetration depth, and therefore always the correct distance between the lancet and the skin. They are ideal for blood collection and measurement in animals, as there is no need to handle the lancing device. In addition, the user is protected against needlestick injuries with the used lancet, as the needle is always hidden inside the housing.


    Wellion SafetyLancets - 23G Lancets for single use

    - ready with only one hand movement
    - no separate lancing device
    - quick and easy to train

    - sterile, single-use Safety Lancet
    - to avoid needle injuries
    - no insertion or removal of a needle
    - needle safely hidden in housing
    - optimal distance between device and skin
    - special activation mechanism

    Needle size: 23G
    Depth of puncture: 2,2 mm
    Blood sample size: 30 - 70 µl

    Content: 25, 100 and 200 pieces

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